Grow a homeschool garden with your family!
- Are you wanting a hands on garden study for your family that includes math and science activities throughout the season?
- Are you interested in denting your family grocery spending by growing some of your own vegetables, fruits or herbs?
- Do you want to learn more about garden planning, garden ecosystems, soil health, pollination, square foot gardening and more?
- Do you want to use beautiful books and your own garden to create seasonal food connections?
The homeschool garden will help you on this journey whether you’re new or a seasoned gardener
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This homeschool garden study is geared towards ages K-9.
However older or younger kids will also benefit from a lot of these experiences, and they can still enjoy the books and the hands on gardening. Looking at your grocery receipts and determining what to grow or knowing where to plant your garden is a fantastic life skill even for teens and adults. Young children benefit from playing in the garden and helping alongside you so that it becomes a fond memory. The math skills for each student will greatly vary depending on their skill level.
This is a multi-age unit study so there’s something for kids of varying ages and you can adapt it to their current skill set.
Save the more challenging things for when they get older, gardening truly is a lifelong learning journey!
This unit offers a hands on approach with gardening tips from me. I’ve been growing food for our family for 15 years now and we’ve been using our home garden for math and science for years.
Enjoy it at your own pace and re-use many of the garden planning and organization pages year after year.
Digital file includes 100 pages of beautiful learning.
This unit doesn’t tell you how to grow each vegetable but helps you plan your best garden by understanding many of the basics. It offers tips and advice throughout the season when you deal with challenges.
I’ve been growing food for our family for 15 years now and we’ve been using our home garden for math and science for years.
It’s a very enjoyable approach to learning!
You will need the following books for this homeschool garden unit study
- Grow: A Family Guide to Growing Fruits and Vegetables by Ben Raskin
- What’s Inside A Flower? And Other Questions About Science & Nature by Rachel Ignotofsky
- Grow: A Family Guide to Plants and How to Grow Them by Riz Reyes
- and Sara Boccaccini Meadows
- From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
- A Seed Is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston
- Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children by Sharon Lovejoy
- A Family Guide to Making Soil from Scraps By Ben Raski
Garden picture books used for this homeschool garden unit:
- We Are the Gardeners by Joanna Gaines and the kids
- How Does My Garden Grow? by Gerda Muller
- Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner
- Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
- A Little More Beautiful: The Story of a Garden Book by MacKenzie Sarah
- The Big Book of Blooms by Elisa Biondi and Yuval Zommer
- Flowers are Calling by Rita Gray
- A Year in Our New Garden by Gerda Muller
- What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street?: Recipes for Kids From Around the World by Felicita Sala
- What’s Cooking in Flowerville? Recipes from Garden, Balcony or Window Box by Felicita Sala
Optional Garden Design for older students:
- A Garden Miscellany: An Illustrated Guide to the Elements of the Garden by Suzanne Staubach
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See more of inside this garden unit study

Enjoy it at your own pace and re-use many of the garden planning and organization pages year after year.
File includes 100 pages of beautiful learning and planning sheets.
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