Have you been looking for a tree study for kids?
I’m delighted to announce Nature Homeschool’s first nature unit study. This is a Charlotte Mason Inspired Secular Nature Study (also Christian friendly)
Read the best kids forest books, enjoy copywork, science notebooking, forest adventure walks and creative writing prompts!
Enjoy this fun forest and tree study!
Each week you and your student(s) will be:
- Reading living books for multiple ages
- Doing copywork (secular) from the books you’re reading
- Nature notebooking your science lessons
- Going on forest walks for hands on experience
- Nature journaling
- Creative writing prompts after your student has created an adventurer and made a map
- Writing science vocabulary terms
- Optional forest school activities
- Your choice of poetry or art projects
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Life is busy
Choose your own schedule
The rhythm for this forest unit is presented with two days of books each week, and 2 days of nature walks and journaling. There are optional other activities too. I’ve included check off lists for each of these days so that you can check off what you’ve accomplished.
For those that prefer to do science sporadically without a schedule, the check off lists allow you to see what you’ve done, and go at your own pace.
To make this nature study for multiple ages, there are elements that you might not be doing if you have younger students, and vice versa. Please note that the check off lists do not have to be all checked off. You can check off the books that you’ve read based on your kids ages. Each week I offer recommendations for each age group.
If you have younger students I would definitely recommend adding in some picture books. Older students will be enhancing the science experience with vocabulary terms.
Tree study samples
- Teacher Guide Introduction
- Week 2 Forest Study Sample
- Level 1 Student Page Sample
- Level 2 Student Pages Sample
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What ages is this unit study for?
I would say this nature study is for grades K-6 and even older. Older grades can definitely get a lot out of the nature journaling, forest walks, vocabulary and copywork passages, and even creative writing. The two books more directed towards older grades would be the Tree Book for Kids and their Grown Up and DK Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds as well as the optional Botanicum. Picture books are highly recommended for younger ages.
Where do you need to live for this study?
You can live anywhere in the world for this nature study. I give instructions how to adapt each week to your location for you nature walks and journaling. The joy of this study is that it can be done anywhere, even in the city. Certain weeks you will be learning about forest biomes that aren’t your location, but I have fun ideas to enhance the experience.
Do you need ALL the books?
You definitely don’t need all of them, I would highly recommend using the the first 4 in the list below. The forest school is optional, and you can enjoy nature journaling without a nature journal instruction book. I offer tips every week regardless of whether you use those pages.
Kid Tree Books that are Used
For this tree study for kids, I chose some of the best kids books on trees. You will need these for this unit study (you can borrow them or buy).
- The Magic and Mystery of Trees by Claire McElfatrick and Jen Green
- The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown Ups by Gina Ingoglia
- DK Trees, Leaves, Flowers & Seeds by Sarah Jose
- The Boreal Forest by L. E. Carmichael
- Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman
Optional (secular)
- Botanicum: Welcome to the Museum by Kathy Willis
Nature Journaling Kids Books and Forest School
This unit study schedules these books for nature journaling guidance. You can select either depending on your kids ages. Forest school activities are optional.
- The Curious Nature Guide: Explore the Natural Wonders All Around You by Clare Leslie
- Forest School Adventure by Naomi Walmsley and Dan Westall
- The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling by John Muir Laws
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
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