Sassafras Science adventures offers a unique approach to teaching science
Using living science books that tell stories, two twins Blaine and Tracy travel around the world on a magical zip line to learn about science. They have to record their information in a SCIDAT logbook, as do your students to help retain the information.
Currently there are 5 science topics offered with the Sassafras Science series.
- Zoology
- Anatomy
- Botany
- Earth Science
- Geology
- Astronomy (in the works)
For each topic they have multiple books you can use.
- The Sassafras Science Adventures
- Official Sassafras SCIDAT Logbook
- Sassafras Guides for the teacher with lesson plans and science experiments
The teacher guide is amazing.
When I first started using this series I purchased only the adventure book and not the student logbook or teacher guide.
What a mistake that was!
Now that I see the complete package, I can see how it really brings the curriculum together. We’re planning on using the earth science and geology this year with our homeschooling line up for grades 2 and 4.
* Elemental Science sent me the Earth Science and Geology adventure book, logbook and teacher guides to offer you this review. I had previously purchased the Zoology, Botany and Anatomy on my own and used it for a year.
Why I like the Sassafras Science Adventures
- It’s a secular homeschool science. It’s honestly been harder to find good secular science curriculum.
- Charlotte Mason inspired with living books and copywork and dictation.
- This curriculum is flexible. They give you the option of a 2 day or 5 day schedule in the teacher guide.
- Science experiments are built into the teacher guide, as are the notes and lessons plans which are to be gained from the stories. I absolutely love the teacher guide.
- Our kids have enjoyed the stories so far.
- The logbooks are more fun than traditional workbooks.
- Clear notes for what’s to come with the science experiments.
Inside the Earth Science student logbook
A peak at the geology student logbook
Volume 5 geology Sassafras Science Adventure book
I’m looking forward to sharing with you the results of using this secular science curriculum!
Have you used this series? How did you like it?
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