Come and listen to my first homeschool podcast interview!
Mama Self-Care
What is that?
Why is it important?
Mama self-care was something I ignored the first few years of homeschooling. Now in my 5th year homeschooling, I know the importance of making time for it. When you don’t schedule in mama time, your life balance gets tipped over (ahem- more so than usual).
I was delighted to be interviewed this month by Teresa over at Capturing the Charmed Life. Her goal is to have all mamas out there realize the importance of self-care in the homeschool, and in life. She’s currently writing a book on mama self-care, be sure to check it out.
In this podcast interview I talk about Mama self-care, as well as how we started homeschooling, why nature keeps me balanced and general mama coffee chat.
Listen to my first podcast interview here.
Freebie for you!
To encourage you to make the time for mama self-care, I have a free printable for you. Enjoy!
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