Are you looking for an enchanting preschool homeschool curriculum ? Preschool lesson plans created just for you?
There are many wonderful ways for preschool kids to learn. I love following others on my Homeschooling Instagram as it’s a constant source of inspiration.
Even if you aren’t planning on being a ‘homeschooler’ preschool is often taught at home.
You can create a rich learning environment that’s both fun and enjoyable.
Some important elements for your preschool homeschool:
- Play
- Art
- Crafts
- Read alouds with picture books
- Nature + being outside
- Movement
- Hanging out with other preschoolers, kids, adults
- Songs
- Learning ABCs & numbers by song or visual
Living in the moment and exploration is important in homeschool preschool, although some people also want to introduce numbers and letters too. I love seasonal inspired preschool homeschooling, and doing fun things like kids yoga and spending lots of time in nature or outside.
You can get preschool lesson plans from some great preschool homeschool curriculum if you’re not sure how to implement preschool homeschooling.
Guidance can be a wonderful thing, and some of these curriculum offer ideas that you might not have thought of.
Remember some preschool curriculum offers to teach the ABC’s and basic math, others are focused on books and art. You can adjust anything you want to add or take away.
Here’s a list of great preschool homeschool curriculum that offer preschool lesson plans.
Torchlight Pre-K
Torchlight is a literature based curriculum, meaning it is rich with books! One of my favorite aspects of this curriculum the focus on emotional balancing. Torchlight offers a fantastic selection of inspiring books that include diversity and lots of nature. We’ve used K & level 1 for Torchlight (see my review of the curriculum) Learn more about what books the pre-k level has on the Torchlight website.
The Habitat Schoolhouse
The Habitat Schoolhouse from Charlotte Laila Preschool curriculum looks so fun and whimsical. Check it out here.
Rooted Childhood
Rooted Childhood created beautiful magazines full of seasonal crafts, recipes, poetry and more. See more on her website.
The Little Oak Learning-
Cute seasonal inspired curriculum focused on art, songs and crafts. I love the Waldorf feel to this enchanting curriculum.
The Peaceful Press
The Peaceful Press offers a wonderful preschool curriculum and I love the playful pioneers one too, infusing the The Little House on the Prairie series. Visit the Peaceful Press Shop.
Blossom & Root
Blossom and Root is hands-on, play-based, secular preschool and pre-k for your homeschool. Includes nature study, the arts, literature, early literacy, STEM, early math play, and more. Each volume is affordable, flexible, and contains 36 weeks of curriculum. Learn more here.
Exploring Nature with Children
Exploring Nature with Children from Raising Little Shoots is a great way to introduce your kids to nature. We’re using it for our weekly nature studies. Although I would say this curriculum is better for older preschoolers (more in the 4 & 5 year old range) little ones will also enjoy listening and learning from it. See her shop and also check out my review of the curriculum here.
The Gentle + Classical Preschool
The Gentle + Classical Preschool {Level 1: 2-4 Years} from Life Abundantly Blog is a mix of CM and Classical. This curriculum includes lots of nature inspired learning.
The Kindergarten Tool Kit
The Kindergarten Tool Kit is for ages 2-6 and is a fun introduction to letters. See more in the shop.
Bookshark pre-k
Bookshark pre-k package & Hands on History is a great option for those that love history. Check it out here.
The Good & the Beautiful Pre-K
Teaches colors, shapes, counting, rhyming, sorting, order of events, and more. Check it out here.
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